
WEF Begins Search for Executive Director

Bill Bertera will leave the organization at year's end.

Train Bridges Made from Recycled Structural Composite Materials

Fort Eustis, Va., uses its railroad systm to train soliders on train operations.

ElectronicsShowplace.com Partners with Engaged Recycling

Customers can trade in or recycle old electronics and receive money in return.

Upper Delaware Is Most Threatened, American Rivers Says

Group's annual report also features endangered river success stories from the past 20 years.

Singapore Is Last Venue for Black & Veatch's Water Reuse Roundtables

The panel, led by Robert Glennon, will discuss water reuse barriers and how to overcome them during Singapore International Water Week.

Greenopia Updates Airline Ratings; Virgin America Earns Highest Marks

Using annual reports and other public information, the group measured fleet age, fuel consumption practices, carbon offsets, green building design, recycling programs and food items.

Draft Permit Would Limit Pesticide Discharges to Waters

The Pesticides General Permit would require operators to use the lowest effective amount of pesticide, prevent leaks and spills, calibrate equipment and look for and report adverse incidents.

EPA Releases Draft Formaldehyde Assessment Report

The assessment will help determine the level of risk formaldehyde poses to Americans' health.

Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority Wins Stockholm Award

Since 1993, Ek Sonn Chan and his team have refurbished the supply system and introduced cost-effective billing and collection.

Groundwater Foundation Provides Haiti Relief Grants

Funds will be used to help build fresh drinking water wells through the ClearBlue Project and Hands on the World Global Inc.

New TOC Analyzer Uses Supercritical Water Oxidation Technique

GE Power & Water says its analyzer offers increased uptime and instrument reliability.

150 Pilot Projects Test National Landscape Rating System

These projects will restore habitats, rehabilitate landfills, clean and store stormwater, lower the urban heat island effect, create outdoor educational opportunities at schools and reconnect neighborhoods to parks and public transportation.

New York Wins Smart Growth Technical Grant for Land, Water

The Smart Growth Leadership Institute will work with the state to align its land use and water protection programs.

CalNex Project Uses $20 M to Examine Air Pollution, Climate Change

California Air Resources Board and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will be using airplanes, ships and researchers to find the nexus of air pollution and climate change.

BPA Exposure Affects Male Sexual Function, Kaiser Permanente Says

The researchers observed a dose-response association between increasing urine BPA level and declining male sexual function of 427 factory workers in China.

Maine DEP Ships Boom to Help BP Contain Spill

State also has trained responders ready if the affected states should ask for assistance.

Geographically Weighted Regression Predicts Carbon Sinks

New estimating method, which can be used on the regional scale, compares well with commonly used methods, according to study.

German Study Links Air Pollution with Diabetes in Women

The research team used air pollution data and personal health data from 1,775 women and found that exposures to NOx and PM were associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.

HRSD, Ostara Partner to Recover Nutrients and Make Fertilizer

The technology turns a maintenance problem at the Nansemond plant into a commercially viable fertilizer product with no additional cost to the Hampton Roads Sanitation District.