
Promet Shipyard Faces Penalties for No Air, Water Permits

EPA ordered the company to comply in 2008, but Promet did not respond to the issues until late 2009, according to the agency.

Horizon Air Recycles 69% of Onboard Waste

Washington association recognizes the airline with a Recycler of the Year award.

Quaternary Amines May Form NDMA in Wastewater, Study Says

Yale University scientists say that wastewater treatment plants may not be able to remove all quaternary amines discharged with household detergents and shampoos, allowing the formation of nitrosamines, a suspected cancer-causing contaminant.

Vermont DEC, EPA Clear Out Asbestos from Mt. Norris Boy Scout Camp

Work included cleaning the interiors of all 58 onsite buildings, a process consisting of HEPA vacuuming, wet wiping, and the use of negative air machines.

Idaho Lab Looks at Lasers for Cleaning Up after Chemical Attacks

In recent testing at the Army’s Aberdeen Proving Ground, INL researchers have been using ultraviolet-wavelength lasers to scrub surfaces clean of sulfur mustard gas and VX, a nerve agent.

Wind Industry Wants a Long-term Commitment

American Wind Energy Association conference presenters say the industry needs a renewable electricity standard and more incentives from the government to prosper.

WWF: Investment in Clean Energy Projects Abroad Will Create U.S. Jobs

Group's climate director says Congress needs to put a price on carbon pollution and develop an international clean tech program.

Turkish Ship Operator Pleads Guilty, Did Not Log Oil Discharges

U.S. District Court judge orders company to serve three years of probation and implement an environmental compliance plan.

Texas Tech Forms National Institute for Renewable Energy

The institute will work to solve key scientific and technology challenges facing the wind power industry.


NOAA Tests Shellfish for Eventual Damage Assessment of BP Spill

Data of unaffected waters is critical to measuring ecological impact of Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill; agency also determines fishery disaster for Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.

Kennedy Calls for Investments in Clean Energy

Speaking at AIHce in Denver, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said owners of small wind and solar farms should be able to transmit their energy to the national grid.

E-Recyclers Honor Sprint for Sustainable Leadership

The International Electronics Recycling Conference singled out Sprint for its leadership in recycling wireless handsets.

Recycling Center Contracts for 397-kW Solar Project

BLT Enterprises' Fremont, Calif., operation adds new layer of sustainability with the help of Solar Power Inc.

University of Virginia Reports Kudzu Contributes to Ozone Pollution

Invasive vine's chemicals combine with nitrogen to produce ozone and lead to about a 50 percent increase in the number of days exceeding healthy ozone levels, research models show.

modified biogas digester

Building a Sustainable Biogas System in Kenya

A University of Virginia doctoral candidate and an engineer use capacity factor analysis to determine the best way to implement a biogas cooking fuel system in Namawanga, Kenya.

Draft Dioxin Report Available for Peer Review, Comment

Four years after the National Academy of Sciences completed its review of EPA's draft dioxin reassessment, the agency responds with answers and new information.

Water Enabled Technologies, Clemson Sign MOU for Desalination

Water Enabled Technologies and Clemson University signed a memorandum of understanding in which the university will help develop products for a new water desalination process.

NREL: Power Grid Can Accommodate Increase in Wind, Solar Generation

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory study calls for increased coordination over wider areas and more frequent scheduling.