
Allegheny County Will Verify Green Roof Effectiveness

Officials hope that an ARRA-funded green roof will help manage stormwater and they plan to monitor the solution using Web-based weather stations.

EPA Releases 16 Electric Utilities' Plans for Coal Ash Safety

According to the agency, many facilities have already begun implementing recommendations to improve safety of their impoundments.

Regional Climate Initiatives Share Cap and Trade Know-How

RGGI, the Accord, and WCI outline their vision of key design and implementation criteria necessary to establish a high-quality offset program.

USGS: Atrazine Adversely Affects Fish Reproduction

Normal reproductive cycling was disrupted by atrazine and fish did not spawn as much or as well when exposed to atrazine.

Electronics Conference Names ecoATM Innovative Product of the Year

The kiosk system can capture, track, and recycle mobile devices.

New Water Purifier Runs on Solar

Inventors suggest The HYDRA will be an asset to medical clinics, schools, remote communities, and disaster relief agencies.

Wandering the Web

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ABCE: 6,000 Companies Demand Leadership on Climate-Energy Bills

American Businesses for Clean Energy and We Can Lead claim that the numbers for pro-climate change legislative action are significant.

tidal marshes

Tidal Marshes Protect Aquatic Ecosystems and Store Carbon

Indiana University scientists measured nitrogen and phosphorus retention as well as carbon sequestration in tidal soils of three Georgia rivers.

BP Responds to EPA Directive on Dispersants

Company says it doesn't have enough information on alternative dispersants nor are sufficient quantities currently available.

Lab Testing

The Accuracy of Groundwater Sampling

A triple blind groundwater sampling event shows that the environment is a very complex system that may not lend itself to simple explanation.

VHS No Longer Causing Huge Fish Die-Offs in Great Lakes

USDA veterinarian warns that boating and fishing enthusiasts should still be vigilant in removing any potential threats from their equipment.

Fuel Conversion Approval to be Based on Vehicle Age

EPA is hoping this approach will streamline the process and make it easier for manufacturers to gain approval to sell their conversion systems.

River Mountains Facility Now Powered by the Nevada Sun

Amonix, SNWA build a concentrated photovoltaic solar energy plant to help power the water treatment facility.

AMP to Retire Gorsuch Coal Plant to Settle CAA Issues

American Municipal Power will also spend $15 million on a mitigation project and pay a $850,000 civil penalty to settle alleged New Source Review violations.

Shanghai Launches AirNow International at World Expo

EPA and the Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau launched AirNow International, an Internet-based information tool that provides real-time air quality data.


Ontario Researchers Find Mercury Increase in Lake Erie Game Fish

Study suggests invasive species may be to blame as increase appears to have occurred in the last 17 years.