
FWS Awards $12.8 M to 31 States for Sewage Pumpout Facilities

Clean Vessel Act grants help marinas manage wastes and protect recreational waterways.

Northeastern Students Build Waste Plastic-to-Fuel Combustor

Pyrolysis converts the solid, non-biodegradable plastic into a gas, which is then burned with oxidants to generate heat and steam.

Pep Boys Settles Claim for Importing Noncompliant Vehicles

The company will pay $5 million and ensure that engines made in China that it plans to sell in the United States are certified to meet Clean Air Act emission requirements.

Companies Supply Failed Drugs for ToxCast Screening

Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi-Aventis, and Merck have provided more than 100 drugs and clinical trial data to EPA to help validate its toxicity screening.

Water Conservation in West Basin Service Area Lowers Water Use 13%

Wholesaler says efforts must continue to reach 20 percent by 2020.


Experiment Shows Cigarette Butts May Prevent Corrosion of N80 Steel

Extracts of cigarette butts in water protected steel that is widely used in the oil industry from rusting, even under harsh conditions.

Cornell-Audubon Citizen Network Tracks Spill-threatened Birds

Audubon will use the data as part of its on-the-scene recovery response.

Study: UV Light, Fungus Help Break Down BPA-containing Plastic

After 12 months, researchers demonstrated substantial decomposition of pretreated plastic and no release of bisphenol A.

Oil Spill Dispersant Information Updated

EPA explains what products and methods have been approved for managing the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Jackson, Vilsack Promote Farm Energy Generation

The collaboration will provide up to $3.9 million over the next five years to help farms overcome obstacles preventing them from recovering and using biogas.

Agencies Select Soil Removal Containment for Libby Asbestos Site

EPA and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality sign records of decision to clean up Operable Units 1 and 2.

Slaughterhouse Operator to Install Sequencing Batch Reactor

Washington Beef LLC will spend more than $3 million in civil penalty and equipment costs to resolve allegations that it violated the Clean Water Act on numerous occasions between 2003 and 2009.

jedi shovel

It's Official: Fossil Fuels Don't Cost Less

National Academy of Sciences' cost accounting report reveals hidden costs, says solar and wind are competitive energy sources.

Certified Emissions Tester Indicted, Fails to Appear

EPA adds Joseph DeMatteo of Clark County, Nev., to its fugitive list.


Scientists Find Soil Microbes More Resistant to Antibiotics

Increased antibiotic resistance in soils could have broad consequences to public health through potential exposure through water and food supplies.

EPA Settles Pre-Obama Lawsuit, Makes Plans to Protect Chesapeake Bay

By Dec. 31, EPA will establish the Chesapeake Bay TMDL, which will be the largest and most complex ever developed in the nation.

Skanska to Build Groundwater Treatment Plant at Hanford

The finished plant, with a capacity of 7.6 cubic meters per minute, will treat groundwater containing radioactive and biological contaminants.

Algal Turf Scrubber Removes Nutrients from Manure Runoff

Microbiologist Walter Mulbry's scrubber raceways collected 60 to 90 percent of the nitrogen and 70 to 100 percent of phosphorus from manure effluents.

11 Small Companies Get Phase 2 Funding for Technologies

EPA awards nearly $2.5 million for the commercialization of ingenious technologies through the Small Business Innovation Research program.