
Kimberly-Clark Professional Musters a Green Patrol

Employees and other volunteers will be planting trees, cleaning communities, and recycling materials as well as watching for random acts of greenness.

Free Guidebook Profiles 286 Green Colleges

The Princeton Review and the U.S. Green Building Council surveyed hundreds of colleges to find those with commitments to sustainability.

Hovnanian Settles Stormwater Runoff Issues in 18 States

The homebuilder will pay $1 million for alleged Clean Water Act violations at 591 construction sites.

57% Say 'Zero Waste' Achievement Is More than 40 Years Away

Glass Packaging Institute says it is trying to increase awareness to meet its goal of using 50 percent recycled content in glass containers by 2013.

Hayes Comments on Certified Wood Standards

Both the Forest Stewardship Council and Sustainable Forest Initiative want their standards accepted by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program.

Let's Go Travel Guides Share Green Vacation Tips

To celebrate Earth Day's 40th birthday, student travel writers have compiled some of their favorite eco-friendly ideas to help travelers reduce their environmental impact.

California State University Recycles 71% for RecycleMania Contest

The 10-week challenge, sponsored by Keep America Beautiful, engaged students at 607 colleges and universities to vie for the national reduce, reuse, and recycle title.

New Energy Star Home Guidelines Push for 20 Percent More Efficiency

The guidelines will go into effect in January but may be adopted earlier.

EPA Takes on Gold Production, Cuts Mercury Emissions by 70 Percent

The proposed rule would affect about 20 gold extraction facilities in the United States.

Treece, Kan., Residents Will Get Relocation Help

The agency has partnered with the state of Kansas to help the owners of 77 residential and business properties move away from the Tar Creek Superfund site in Oklahoma.

Mississippi to Implement EPA's Lead Renovation Program

The state's environmental agency has received approval for administering and enforcing the Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting program.

AWE Slates Workshop on Conservation Tracking Tool

The Alliance for Water Efficiency's executive director, Mary Ann Dickinson, will speak about the tracking tool, which is free to members.

ELI Recognizes 6 Wetlands Award Winners

The Environmental Law Institute honors five individuals and one family for their efforts to wetlands conservation.

Exxon Subsidiaries in Guam and CNMI to Pay $2.4 M for VOC Emissions

Mobil Oil Guam and Mobil Oil Mariana Islands allegedly discharged hundreds of tons of volatile organic compounds from gasoline terminals.

Agency Awards 304 Grants for Brownfield Revitalization

Forty states will share $78.9 million to assess, get low-interest funding for, and clean up contaminated properties.

Wall Herald Corp. to Pay $20 M for N.J. Superfund Site Cleanup

Site owner has agreed to pay for past and future cleanup of soil and groundwater contaminated with trichloroethylene and other hazardous chemicals.