
Mid-Dakota Water Turns to Ultrafiltration to Increase Capacity

Poor soil conditions in South Dakota require advanced treatment so the district decided to use GE ZeeWeed technology.

WCD Capital Partners, ChemPro Systems Form Waste Alliance

The companies are collaborating on a fixed facility in New Jersey that will vitrify hexavalent chromium and other hazardous wastes.

SECURE Insignia Attracts Small Water Purifier Companies

Water systems that are portable and self sustaining will be able to bear the System Efficacy through Commercialization, Utilization, Relevance and Evaluation insignia from Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate.

Feds Insist on Complete Lab Reports to Earn Energy Star Label

EPA says all new applications will be reviewed and approved individually by the agency.

Manufacturers Must Test Chemical Safety in New TSCA Bills

SOCMA calls the efforts of Congress to reform the Toxics Substance Control Act overreaching; Safer Chemicals group wants more teeth in the measure.

USDA and Interior Agree to Protect Sage-Grouse Habitat

Habitat producers can sign up through April 23 to participate in the first round of rankings for the protection initiative, which will be funneled through the Environmental Quality and Wildlife Habitat incentive programs.

Homeland Security Funds R&D for Cell Phone Toxic Chemical Function

Cell-All initiative would equip cell phones with sensors capable of detecting such chemicals as carbon monoxide and fire.

Ocean Conservancy Counts 7.4 M Pounds of Trash in Cleanup

Last year's 24th annual International Coastal Cleanup saw 500,000 volunteers around the world remove debris from oceans, lakes, and rivers.

Aggressive Efficiency Could Make Texas a Smart Energy Leader

A Georgia Institute of Technology and Duke University study shares how the right policies could help Texas and the South cut utility bills and create jobs.

Compactors to Help Improve East Russia City's Waste Disposal

Khabarovsk, Russia looked to sister-city, Portland, Ore., for better waste collection and disposal methods and plans to incorporate pre-load compactors into its waste transfer system.

Big Cat Energy Offers Recharge System to Coal Bed Methane Operators

The company may need additional working capital to manage potential projects from seven major coal bed methane operators representing $11 million.

Metro Water Board Orders another Year of Mandatory Conservation

Environmental restrictions in the Northern California supply are perpetuating shortage conditions and driving costs higher, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California says.

Agency Soliciting for Lab Preparedness Services

EPA is seeking applications for technical assistance and support to coordinate preparedness activities of the environmental laboratory sector.

Zebra Mussel, Round Goby Transfer PCBs into Great Lakes' Walleyes

Invasive species responsible in contaminating the popular sport fish, according to a study by the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment.

Agency Provides $2 M for Brownfields Job Training

Twelve entities in 10 states are receiving up to $200,000 each to train people in the cleanup of brownfields while also providing training in green building design, energy efficiency, weatherization, solar installation, green construction, and native plant revegetation.

charles river

Two Impervious Acres Will Require a Permit in Charles River Watershed

EPA is taking comments on a proposal to require large industrial, commercial, and multifamily residential facilities to reduce polluted runoff from their properties.

Three Coal Ash Neighbors Tell Regulators to Quit Stalling

Alabama, Oklahoma, Ohio residents want EPA to regulate coal ash as a hazardous waste.

Infrastructure Report Urges Changes in Land Development Patterns

Urban Land Institute-Ernst & Young study adds water infrastructure as a challenge that the United States needs to address in order to be competitive with China and the European Union.

Analysis: Carbon Pricing in CLEAR Bill Will Generate U.S. Jobs

Incentives in this Senate bill will encourage businesses to invest in energy saving measures and bring jobs to construction and manufacturing, according to the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law.

Bhutan Hydropower Project to Lower GHG Emissions in South Asia

World's first cross-border Clean Development Mechanism initiative is being supported by the Asian Development Bank, Austria, and Japan.