
David LaFrance

AWWA Names LaFrance Executive Director

The Denver Water director of finance will take the reins on May 3.

NSWMA: Tritium-containing Exit Signs Don't Belong in Landfills

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is considering a rulemaking for the disposal of tritium exit signs, which contain a radioactive form of hydrogen.

Agency Orders Fresh and Clean Restrooms to Correctly Apply Sludge

A December 2009 inspection of Desloge Mine Tailings Site revealed that the company had not reduced pathogens nor minimized vector attraction.

EPA Proposes Veto of Spruce No. 1 Surface Mine Permit

The agency says the project would bury more than 7 miles of headwater streams, impact 2,278 acres of forestland, and degrade stream water quality

IMO Officially Adopts Emission Control Area Proposal

EPA expects the move will help clean up air quality for U.S. ports as well as inland population centers.

Staples Names Finalists for the Next Green Office Product

The Global EcoEasy Challenge selects seven finalist concepts from universities in five countries.

Cornell Creates Dynamic Models to Explain Coral Bleaching, Death

Warming conditions shift a coral's predominantly beneficial bacteria to pathogens, according to Cornell researchers who developed the mathematical models.

Arkansas, Maryland Teams Win ORNL Venture Challenge

The top energy entry replaced the top layer of solar cells with a thinner polysilicon at lower temperatures.

CSPA Commends EPA Denial of Pesticide Fogger Petition

The New York City petition would have restricted use and increased cost, according to the Consumer Specialty Products Association trade group.

Cargill's Second Dairy Farm Digester Captures Methane for Power

Dairy cow manure is broken down to create methane biogas, which is burned to produce electricity and sent to the power grid.

Kansas Corrections Department Failed to Inspect for Asbestos

EPA Region 7 issues compliance order and notice of noncompliance related to a 2005-2006 prison dormitory renovation project in Topeka.

Agency Schedules More Hearings for Florida Water Comments

Florida residents will have three more chances to air their comments starting April 13 at Fort Myers.

WERF Offers $100,000 Award for Groundbreaking Research

Submissions for the Water Environment Research Foundation's Paul L. Busch Award must be submitted by June 1.

EPA Gives Public Access to Risk Assessment Database

Health and Environmental Research Online provides access to scientific studies used in making key regulatory decisions.

Melbourne aerial

Black & Veatch to Help Upgrade Melbourne Plant

Ozone and biological media filtration coupled with UV and chlorine disinfection are the preferred treatment processes.

AWWA Webcasts Set for March 31, April 7

The American Water Works Association will present information on "Water Resource Strategies for Climate Change and Shortages" and "Disinfection Byproducts: Recent Research Raises Concerns."

USDA Study Estimates Ethanol Yields from CRP Croplands

Plant diversity and composition weigh heavily in determining potential energy yield per acre from biomass harvested from Conservation Reserve Program land.

NCAR Study Suggests Forest Burn Strategy to Minimize Emissions

Selectively burning underbrush and small trees can lower the chances of high severity wildfires that affect large trees and release more carbon dioxide, according to Christine Wiedinmyer with the National Center for Atmospheric Research.

LA, Capital Top List of Cities with Most Efficient Buildings

EPA counts the number of Energy Star-labeled buildings to determine the ranking; Los Angeles has 293 building to its credit.