
Santa Clara Valley to Expand Recycled Water Efforts

The Santa Clara Valley Water District Board recently approved two agreements with the City of San Jose to build a new advanced water treatment facility that will produce highly purified recycled water.

Public Justice Joins Lawsuit against Synagro in Pennsylvania

The plaintiffs in Gilbert v. Synagro and Jasinski v. Synagro allege that the defendants’ sludge-related activities have been conducted negligently and have interfered with the use and enjoyment of their property.

Sterling Water, NMSU Create Low-cost Desalination

The zero-emission technology can convert saltwater to pure drinking water on a round-the-clock basis – and its energy needs are so low, existing solar technology or even the waste heat of an air conditioning system could power it.

WSSC Selects Envista Coordination for Infrastructure Work

The United States' eighth largest water/wastewater utility has released an Envista service that will help it manage construction and maintenance projects cost effectively.

$17 M Supports Research on Climate Change Impacts

Twenty-five universities to explore public health and environmental facets of climate change.

Fungal Fumes Clear Out Crop Pests

Scientists at Agricultural Research Service labs tested the effectiveness of Muscodor albus for controlling bunt disease in wheat crops in lieu of synthetic pesticides.

Ocean Waves May Trigger Antarctic Ice Shelf Collapse

Researchers propose that southbound traveling infragravity waves may be a key mechanical agent that contributes to the production and/or expansion of the pre-existing crevasse fields on ice shelves.

Final Rule Lowers Air Toxics from Stationary Diesel Engines

Owners and operators of the largest of the engines will need to install emissions controls, such as catalysts, to engine exhaust systems.

Southern Antarctic Peninsula from 1947 to 2009

USGS: Ice Shelves Disappearing on Antarctic Peninsula

U.S. Geological Survey says retreating ice shelves could result in sea-level rise and threaten coastal communities and low-lying islands worldwide.

Feds Pass on 'Qui Tam' Lawsuit against JM Eagle

Company says federal government declined to intervene in a lawsuit questioning the quality of its PVC water pipe products.

Texas Files Review Petitions on GHG Endangerment Finding

Gov. Perry says finding is based on discredited IPCC science and would hurt state agriculture and energy interests.

Biodiesel Process Uses Catalytically Active Particles

Rockwood’s Sachtleben unit plans to introduce a process catalyst and build a commercial-scale pilot plant in Minnesota.

Conn. DEP Officer Recommends Millstone NPDES Renewal

The Millstone Power Station will need to take steps to protect aquatic life and study the cooling system, however.

EPA Launches Gateway Site for New Rules

The agency's newest Web site provides information early and in a concise format to help users gauge interest in a particular regulation.

Delta, Virgin, and Southwest Get Best Recycling Ranking

ResponsibleShopper.org gives out grades on the airline industry's performance and United and US Airways don't pass.

Strategic Directions in the Electric Utility Industry Survey

U.S. Electric Utility Survey Reflects Impact of Uncertainty

Respondents see future for coal power generation even as plans for wind and solar increase, said Black & Veatch.

Pennsylvania Onboard with New Great Lakes Action Plan

The governor said his state will have to integrate current restoration plans into a specific set of priorities and actions for government and nongovernment organizations.