
New Light Bulb Is Efficient and Has No Mercury, RTI Says

Nanofibers were essential to producing a high efficiency lighting device in research that was supported by the Department of Energy's Solid-State Lighting program.

UNT Model Suggests Proteins May Work for CO2 Capture

A technique used to develop new pharmaceuticals could be used to develop new materials that capture carbon dioxide.

Maine DEP Finds Pharmaceuticals in Landfill Leachate

Trash disposal isn't the answer to keeping drugs out of the water supply after all.

Indiana Professor: Obama Should Order GHG Cuts

Rafael Reuveny says consensus won't work for managing greenhouse gas emissions.

N.Y. Group Wants Environmental Fund Restored

Gov. Paterson's budget proposal guts New York's environmental fund by one-third, jeopardizes water and air quality protection.

EPA Extends Emory River Closure to Mid-May

Agency and TVA have brought in large hydraulic dredge equipment to expedite ash removal.

Redondo Beach Breaks Ground for Stormwater Control Project

With $2.2 million in stimulus funds, the city will divert stormwater from coastal waters and used the collected rainwater for park irrigation.

MWH Labs to Use Rare Earth Technology to Test Reclaimed Water

The technique identifies gadolinium at low levels, offering a new tool to test for contamination.

ducks may be affected by climate change

Warming Climate Drives Wetland Loss, Will Affect Ducks

Model research says that the prairie pothole region of central North America is much more sensitive to climate warming and drying than previously thought.

McIlvaine: Air Filters on the Rise; $6.6 B Worldwide this Year

McIlvaine: Air Filters on the Rise; $6.6 B Worldwide this Year

Cornell Researchers Identify Virulent Fish Virus in Lake Superior

Viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus poses threats to fisheries and aquaculture.

New Energy Unveils 'Spraying' Solar Cells Technology

Company says researchers have developed a process for spraying solar cells onto glass windows to generate electricity.

Major, Regional CBM Gas Producers Are Using ARID System

Coal-bed methane natural gas producers are cutting their water handling costs by using the Aquifer Recharged Injection System, according to Big Cat Energy.

DOE Awards Conditional $22 M Grant to ClearFuels, Rentech

Companies are planning to construct a biomass gasifier that will work with Rentech's Product Demonstration Unit to produce renewable synthetic fuels from biomass.

Washington Lawmakers Want Water Conservation for Irrigators

Implementation of the conservation O&M program would let irrigators use seasonal water conservation measures to reduce real-time water withdrawals by about 17 percent.

Southern California Edison Pays Out $1 M for Education

Power company donates money to 10 California community colleges for green education and job training.

flow meter in manhole

Closed Pipe System Replaces Open Ditch Irrigation

Montezuma Valley Irrigation Co. saved substantial amounts of water lost through evaporation and seepage by installing a closed poly pipe distribution system with more precise flow meters, solar power, and automation.

environmental software

Green Screen

Emissions tracking software keeps companies one step ahead of impending greenhouse gas regulation.