
MiserWare Gives Away Energy-saving Software

Company founders want to spread the impact of their technologies to reduce energy waste in personal use computers.

American Water, MWH to Study Disinfection for Water Recycling

The research will evaluate treatment technology and California and other state guidelines and try to determine methods of disinfection suitable for nonpotable water.

Virginia Engineers Say Algae-based Biofuel Has Bigger Footprint

Researchers suggest the environmental impact of algae production could be reduced by using wastewater in the process; the Algae Biomass Organization disagrees with some of the conclusions.

J. Michael Nicovich and Paul Wine, Georgia Tech researchers

3 Greenhouse Gas Reaction Rates Revealed in New Study

Georgia Institute of Technology researchers are trying to establish the role of compounds that absorb infrared energy in global warming.

EDF Urges Academy to Build on Existing Bay Delta Decisions

The National Academy of Sciences should limit itself to the science of the conservation plan and the environmental needs of the Bay Delta, according to the Environmental Defense Fund.

Storms Aren't Helping Southland's Supply Woes

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the Water Replenishment District agree that imported water supplies are expected to be problematic in 2010.

Exeter Study Links PFOA to Thyroid Disease in U.S. Adults

The study included 3,966 adults 20 or more years of age whose blood serum was sampled between 1999 and 2006 for PFOA and other perfluoroalkyl acid compounds.

EPA Financial Assurance

Latest Financial Assurance Proposal May be Costly

EPA has added chemical, petroleum and coal, and electric power facilities to its list of industries that are responsible for assuring their financial ability to take care of cleanups.

Chemical Makers to Focus on Security, TSCA Reform Bills

The Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates will use its national grassroots program to engage members and get out the vote for midterm elections this year.

Feb. 12 Summit Offers Help in Planning for Carbon Laws

Congressman Edward Markey will discuss the future of the low-carbon economy at the Boston venue.

Minnesota: Atrazine Rules Protect Humans and Environment

When used as currently managed and regulated, the herbicide is not harmful, state agency reviewers said.

Acre Templar Ruins

Israel's Sea Level Changes Nothing New, Study Says

An assessment of hundreds and thousands of years shows that what seems an irregular phenomenon today is in fact nothing new, explained Dorit Sivan.

Utility Company to Pay $500 Million to Resolve Pollution Violations

“Today’s settlement sets the most stringent limit for sulfur dioxide emissions ever imposed on a coal-fired power plant in a federal settlement,” said Cynthia Giles, assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance.