
University of Iowa Finds PCBs in Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to dredge sediment to maintain proper depth for ship traffic but this action may affect the polychlorinated biphenyls.

WM Recycle America Adopts Program for E-waste Recycling

The Responsible Recycling program requires participating companies to implement an EHS management system that tracks materials and minimizes emissions and worker exposure during electronics recycling operations.

McLerran to Administer EPA Region 10

Dennis McLerran formerly served as executive director of the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, a state-charged agency that adopts and enforces air quality standards in Washington.

China-based PV Maker Plans U.S. Operation, Gets Tax Credit

Yingli Green Energy received a $4.5 million tax credit for its planned establishment of manufacturing operations for photovoltaic modules in the United States.

EPA Applauds 8 Landfills for Lower GHG Emissions, New Power

Recognized methane capture projects include the largest liquefied natural gas facility in Livermore, Calif.

Solar Pond, Membrane Distillation System Desalinates Water in the Lab

University of Nevada, Reno researcher is developing a salt-gradient stratification process that traps the heat that powers distillation system patented by the university.

Investors, Texas Tech Commit $40 M to Renewable Energy Studies

Republic Power Partners is ready to bring $10 billion in wind, solar, biomass, natural gas and clean coal generation to West Texas.

USGS employee performs maintenance on monitoring unit

A Call for Uniform Groundwater Classification

Inconsistent federal, state and local laws are undercutting groundwater protection efforts in the United States.

NSU Receives $15 M in Stimulus for Coral Reef Research

The Center of Excellence for Coral Reef Ecosystems Science Research Facility, a multi-disciplinary center will address national and international priorities.

Nanotube-infused Paper Detects Algae Toxin in Water

University of Michigan researchers have developed an inexpensive biosensor for drinking water treatment plants.

Washington Gas, Honeywell to Build Cogeneration Plant for GSA

The cogeneration plant will increase energy security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the new Department of Homeland Security campus.

Officials to Break Ground on $62 M Wastewater Plant Upgrade

The Columbia Regional Wastewater Treatment facility has received American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds to upgrade it facilities and make it more energy efficient.

Cigarette Litter Down 2% in 2009, KAB Reports

Communities implementing Keep America Beautiful's prevention program have averaged a 48 percent reduction in cigarette litter.

UCS Asks Farm Bureau to Discuss Climate Change Position

Scientists are hoping for a meeting with "the Voice of Agriculture" to open a dialogue on its stance on global climate change.

Standard Solar Installs Solar Panels to Catholic University

The 294 kilowatts of solar power will provide abut 10 percent of the electricity needed to meet Washington, D.C., renewable electricity requirement in 2010.

EPA Orders Developer to Restore Wyoming Wetlands

Michael and Richard Gard of Professional Home Design have expressed their intent to restore Wind River wetlands near Dubois to their pre-impact condition and grade.