
EPA Offers $2 M, Seeks Applications for Community Grants

Two levels of grants awards are available to help establish community-based partnerships and implement risk-reduction activities.

Technician testing a central air conditioning unit

How Will EPA's HCFC Phaseout Affect the AC-Refrigeration Industry?

EPA rule co-author answers some questions AC and refrigeration companies may have before the impending effective date ─ Jan. 1.

Carrying Capacity India

Carrying Capacity

At the moment, we need 1.3 Earths to effectively sustain our collective way of life but ─ we can change this if we want to.

William Ford Jr. and Gary Lock

10 Tasks to Help Business Government Restore Economy

The National Summit has created consensus recommendations for increasing U.S. competitiveness in technology, energy, environment, and manufacturing.

WSSC Enlists Technology to Prevent another River Road Main Break

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission staff and contractors detail inspection program, use of state-of-the-art technologies to inspect large mains, help prevent future breaks.

$13 M in Great Lakes' Funds to Control Asian Carp Migration

The majority of funding will be used to close conduits and shore up low-lying lands between the Chicago Sanitary Ship Canal and adjacent waterways.

Methane Power Opens N.C. Landfill Gas-to-Energy Plant

GE's landfill gas engines generate renewable electricity for Duke Energy's grid.

EPA Baseline Study Finds 56% of Lakes in Good Condition

The National Lakes Assessment sampled 1,028 lakes and concluded that 44 percent are in fair or poor condition.

Meltwater Role More Complicated in Glacier Ice Loss, Researchers Say

Scientists studying glaciers discussed their research at the American Geophysical Union Meeting on Dec. 16.

Ontario, Canada, to Help Developing Countries Fight Climate Change

A United Nations Development Programme links developed nations to developing ones with the promise of sharing expertise and funding.

Argonne Recruits Bacteria to Power Mini Machines

Argonne Lab and Northwestern University researchers put Bacillus subtilis to work, using the bacteria's swimming motion to turn microgears suspended in solution.

ACS Magazine Probes Global Warming Cause - Human or Nature?

Chemical & Engineering News' latest cover story interviews representatives on both sides of the debate.

Used oil tank

Case study: MetroParks Chooses to Recycle Used Oil, Not Wood

Clean Burn furnace provides heating for park office, saving on oil disposal and wood-chopping costs.

Tufts Professor Discovers Aquifer under Outdoor Lab

Students are using boreholes to map patterns of groundwater flow and record variations in temperature, chemical composition and pressure.

Enzyme Impact on Soil Release of CO2 Now in Climate Models

Alabama researchers collaborate with 18 others to incorporate the role carbonic anhydrase plays in soil carbon dioxide exchanges.

Report Compares Vessel-, Land-based Desalination Systems

The report, prepared by CH2M Hill, supports the advantages provided by vessel-based desalination from Water Standards.

WEF Releases Junior Water Prize Journal

The Water Environment Federation's special online publication features scientific papers from the U.S. winner and finalists.

WWEMA Opposes 'Buy American' Condition in Jobs Bill

Letter to lawmakers refers to delays caused by "Buy American" restrictions on stimulus funding for water and wastewater projects.

Illinois Chemists Use Nanodroplets of Water to Shape Graphene

The shaped graphene structures could be used as building blocks of nanodevices with unique mechanical, electrical or optical properties.