
SO2 Emissions from Power Plants Continue to Decrease

Acid rain cap-and-trade program helps plants beat 2010 sulfur dioxide emissions targets early. 

Ocean Temperature Finding May Improve Projections, USGS Says

U.S. Geological Survey scientists create a 3-D ocean reconstruction and discover new information on surface warming effects and circulation during the Pliocene period.

Irvine, Calif., Schools Partner with Companies for Solar Project

SPG Solar will install solar energy systems on 21 of the Irvine United School District's buildings.

Bolivia Holds U.S. to 'Polluter Pays' Principle at Copenhagen

Bolivia ambassador, Pablo Solon: "Admitting responsibility for the climate crisis without taking necessary actions to address it is like someone burning your house and then refusing to pay for it."

New York Rejects Plan to Put Dredged Material at New London

State says Navy can dispose of material at Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site until it develops a dredged material management plan.

WSSC, Dignitaries Kick Off Sewer Rehab Project

The stimulus-funded project will rehabilitate 22,000 linear feet of sewer mains and laterals in portions of Bladensburg, Hyattsville, Brentwood, Cheverly, Colmar Manor, Landover Hills and Mount Rainer, Maryland.

Aussies Foot Bill for Accelerating Carbon Capture and Storage

The Global CCS Institute will support large-scale projects that have a great need and promise the greatest return, according to the group.

NYC OKs Requirements for Backflow Prevention Devices

Mayor Bloomberg signs legislation that will prevent contaminants from buildings from getting into the public water system.

Washington to Streamline Natural Resources Program Delivery

Gov. Chris Gregoire is seeking legislation to lower the number of hearings and appeals boards, eliminate duplications, and standardize procedures for laws.

Lautenberg Bill Requires Bottled Water to Display Source, Quality

According to Sen. Lautenberg, almost 40 percent of bottled water comes from municipal water sources.

Feds Get $1.79 B from ASARCO to Clean Up Mining Sites

Federal agencies win largest bankruptcy settlement in U.S. history and plan to use funds to clean and restore sites contaminated by ASARCO mining operations in 19 states.

EPA Updates Risk Analysis for Solvent-contaminated Wipes

The agency has extended the comment period that was set to expire Dec. 28.

Final Specs for WaterSense-New Homes Released

EPA says the specification will help homeowners increase water efficiency and save on their utility bills.

America's Great Waters Coalition Banks on Numbers for Action

More than 30 organizations are represented in a new coalition that will leverage support from citizens across the United States.

Cogentrix Energy to Conserve 22% of its Water

GE technology helps plant reuse cooling tower water for lime slakers and pug mills.

NatureServe Creates Climate Vulnerability Index for Plants, Animals

The science-based tool lets a user quickly assess the relative vulnerability of species to the effects of predicted climate change in a specific geographic area.