
Postal Service Inventories Its GHGs First

Ryerson, Master and Associates developed a comprehensive carbon footprint for the agency, following extensive analysis to determine the best methodologies for the job.

Agencies to Report on Biosolids-PFC Contamination Near Decatur, Ala.

A Dec. 1 public meeting will be held in Moulton, Ala., to share information with residents on the status of the investigation.

clogged drain cleanup

The Benefits of Supplemental Environmental Projects

Two case studies illustrate how companies found in violation of environmental law can offset some of the costs associated with financial penalties.

Recycling Facility

The Proper Package for Fluorescent Lamps

Energy-saving fluorescent lamps pose mercury vapor risks when broken and require special packaging for their transport to recycling facilities.

South Shore Estuary Now a No-Discharge Zone

Effective immediately, all boat sewage will have to be discharged at equipped pump-out facilities, not into the South Shore Estuary.

Iowa Feedlot Operation Settles Discharge Allegations with $25 K

Schuiteman Feedlots will no longer hold its cattle in open feedlots, which should prevent the discharge of manure or wastewater into the West Branch of the Floyd River in Sioux City, Iowa.

MIT: Carbon in Pond Soil Mobilizes Arsenic in Bangladesh Study

Researchers also found that rice fields irrigated with water containing arsenic filtered out much of the poison from the water system.

Sustainable Construction Waste Management Most Important Green Building Practice

According to a new report from McGraw-Hill Construction, customer demands and regulatory pressures are driving green building construction.

YSI Grant to Further Estuary Nutrient Load Studies

Jane Caffrey of the University of West Florida says the $25,000 grant will fund a graduate student project to help analyze nutrient and continuous dissolve oxygen data from research reserves.

EPA Wants to Interview Past Santa Susana Field Lab Workers

Former Atomics International, Rocketdyne, and Rockwell employees are encouraged to contact EPA about its Santa Susana Field Lab radiological study.

Tribes May Apply for $3.5 M in Grants for Puget Sound

EPA will award grants between $200,000 and $600,000 for direct, local action to benefit the Puget Sound ecosystem.

Tribes May Apply for $3.5 M in Grants for Puget Sound

EPA will award grants between $200,000 and $600,000 for direct, local action to benefit the Puget Sound ecosystem.

Idaho Animal Feeding Operations Permit Open for Comment

Under the new EPA-issued permit, CAFO owners and operators must submit a nutrient management plan for review