
UC Berkeley Merges Programs into Energy Institute

Using research from the Berkeley Institute, the Haas School hopes to help bring real solutions to the marketplace.

H2O4Texas Focuses on State Water Plan

Water gurus weigh in on Texas' efforts to manage its water supply and demand.

UM Engineers a Solution to Hydrogen Storage

Carbon nanotubes have enabled the chemical engineers to achieve hydrogen storage capacity up to 8 percent by weight.

Ship Operator Pleads Guilty for Concealing Pollution

Panamanian company will pay $1.25 million for vessel pollution crimes.

British Columbia, DOE Team Study Microbe in OMZ

Researchers are studying the genomes of uncultivated microbes found in OMZs to better understand how they participate in global geochemical cycles such as the carbon and nitrogen cycles.

Waste Connections Expands Landfill Energy Project

Services company signs agreement with DTE Biomass Energy to use methane as a feedstock for renewable electric power.

Meth House Contamination May Linger, Researcher Says

NIST funds study to research the interactions between building materials and chemicals used in methamphetamine labs.

WERF Issues RFP on Decentralized Systems Research Guide

Proposals must be submitted by Nov. 23 and all work must be completed by April 2010.

Sodexo Earns Kudos for Sourcing Food Locally

A South Carolina school district serves more than 25 percent local produce in school cafeterias.

Cyanide Sensor Detects Below Toxicity Threshold

A designer molecule created by researchers at Indiana University Bloomington works in water at normal pH levels.

Opinion Survey Finds Gap between the Talk and the Walk

Awareness doesn't always translate into action, especially when it comes to green energy behaviors.

Groundwater Arsenic Study Recruits Locals in India

Kansas State professor arms women and children with pamphlets and testing kits in Bangladesh and West Bengal.

Read the Tree Leaves for Particulate Matter Levels

Western Washington University study finds that tree leaves on busy diesel bus routes were more magnetic than those from rural areas.