
$1.8 M in Stimulus Goes to Brownfields' Jobs

The California Department of Toxic Substances Control is distributing funds to help clean up lead contaminated property, creating jobs in the process.

clean coal

Clean Coal: What Works Now and Tomorrow

Circulating fluidized bed reactor technology has a place in meeting the goals of Obama's energy plan.

At Work and Home Exposures

Mold, lead-based paint and other exclusions in general liability have tipped the balance for commercial and habitational property owners. What's a property owner to do?

Idaho, Contractor Liable for Stormwater Violations

EPA complaint seeks $65,000 from the Idaho Transportation Department and Parsons RCI for violations in Sandpoint.


Snakes in the Glades

Five large, non-native snake species may rattle Fla. ecosystem.

OriginOil, Idaho Lab Work on Commercial Algae Production

Senior scientist applauds collaboration leading to productivity model.

TRA CReWSers Win Operations Challenge Again

The Water Environment Association of Texas team is on a serious winning streak.

Udall's Bill Protects Samaritans' Liability under CWA

Several groups in Colorado want to protect their communities and clean up abandoned hardrock mines.

Region 6 Provides Funding for Monitoring and Control

Louisiana, New Mexico Pueblos to receive help in assessing the health of their resources.

EPA to Target Enforcement on Most Significant Issues

The agency says it will step up efforts in pollution caused by such activities as CAFOs, sewer overflows, and runoff from industrial facilities, construction sites, and urban areas.

Rotman Team Uncovers Side Effects of Green

Experiment found that subjects who bought green products exhibited less altruistic behavior.

Drought Study Finds a New Driver

NOAA's latest analysis says that the Dust Bowl was caused by random changes in the atmosphere, not in ocean temperatures.

Mayors Defeat Trans-Texas Corridor and TxDoT

The Texas Department of Transportation announced that state has officially killed the I-35 Trans Texas Corridor by selecting the "No Build" option under the environmental impact statement study.

Utah Businessman Gets 20 Years for Dumping

Larkin Baggett was convicted of ordering employees to dump industrial wastes into a sanitary sewer drain and aggravated assault.

FHWA Honors Flatiron for Innovative Construction

Company used erection gantry to drive pile and protect Pamlico-Tar River and wetlands.

Rain Bird Announces 2009 Award Winners

Naples Botanical Garden wins leadership award; four state/local municipalities and water agencies receive the State of the Union Award.