
Dollars & Sense

The Water Environment Federation anticipated the possible fallout from the national recession at this year's WEFTEC.09, which will be held Oct. 10-14 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla., and took action. The association retained its 2008 registration rates and has offered utilities discount pricing packages.

Southern California Air Projects Get $26.5 M from Stimulus

The funds will be used to replace, repower and update diesel engines in school buses, trucks, locomotives, construction and cargo vehicles.

Groups Survey State Rules on Geothermal Heating

A greater demand for geothermal heating and cooling brings a greater potential for groundwater contamination, according to the National Ground Water Association.

Agency, D.C. to Collaborate on Watersheds, Green Programs

Agreement, stimulus funds should help District of Columbia advance its environmental priorities.

NOAA-led Project to Improve Toxic Algal Bloom Predictions

A major goal is to develop new approaches to detect, monitor, predict, control, and mitigate harmful algae and their impacts in Texas coastal waters.

NRG Energy Grows Grasses for Big Cajun II Plant

Company will test whether the grasses could replace a portion of the coal used at the plant.

Sellersville Must Lower Arsenic Levels in Water

Sellersville Borough Water Works in Pennsylvania must submit a detailed plan for acheiving compliance with drinking water standards for arsenic.

Thermox Simulates Waste Rock Processes at Canadian Site

Program may be useful in evaluating acid mine drainage and determining contaminant generation.

WEFTEC.09 Preview

Dollars & Sense

The 82nd annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC) may provide some sensible solutions for industry participants while focusing on the bottom line.

The Climate Project Hosted Latin America Summit

Al Gore's international non-profit continues training presenters on the climate crisis.

IDA to Form Task Force on Effects of Desalination

IDA is hoping the task force can recommend strategies to mitigate those impacts in the Arabian Gulf.

Native Prairie Plant Biofuel May be Better for the Birds

Researchers at Michigan Technological University suggests there are more benign ways to grow biofuels than converting CRP land into cornfields.

West Basin Helps Honda Reduce Water Use, Green Its Building

The Acura Design Center building in Torrance, Calif., has been using recycled water from the West Basin Municipal Water District.

Contractors, Agencies Work for Clean Texas Waterways

Associated general contractors and builders in the Dallas and Fort Worth metroplex have agreed to pilot test a program to minimize construction runoff.

Biofuel Producers Form Association to Address Inequities

Group wants EPA to promote the cleanest renewable fuels compatible with existing fuels infrastructure.

Consultant Details 12 Steps to Sustainability

Kanal Consulting conducted research into how 25 top companies are implementing sustainability strategies.

EPA Region 6 Plans Quality Assurance Conference

The free conference is slated for Oct. 19-23 in Dallas.

AEP Ohio to Use GE Smart Meters in Demonstration

110,000 meters will empower consumers to manage energy consumption and costs.