
Venture to Support Solar and Wind Power in Nairobi

Kenyan trust and financing company hope to develop a new business model for sustainable development.

EPA OKs Use of CO2 for Supermarket Coolers

Hill Phoenix will be able to replace HCFCs with CO2 in supermarket refrigeration.

EDF Praises $320-M Initiative for Mississippi River

The USDA uses farm bill's conservation provisions to address runoff from farming operations 12 states.

Compliance Issues Arise with Pandemic Fever

The second wave of the H1N1 is spreading across the nation. Projections say that the H1N1 virus could cause 30-40% absenteeism among the workforce. This may make it necessary for co-workers or management to assume unfamiliar or less familiar tasks.

NASA Images Show Water on the Moon

The Moon, long rendered dry and barren, has been shown by new research to hold water at all latitudes.

USGS Measures High Chloride Levels in 40% of Tested Streams

Chloride found at levels that can harm aquatic life in northern U.S. urban streams.

Clean Hands Report: Americans Get a B- on Hand Hygiene

U.S. citizens appear to be embracing hand hygiene more than in past years. But not all of us are cleaning our hands as often as we should – especially with the threat of the H1N1 flu virus.

U.S. Orders More Vaccine from Pharmaceutical Companies

MedImmune, Sanofi Pasteur get orders for 56 million more doses of the vaccine for the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus.

EPA Fines 3 Bulk Storage Facilities for SPCC Issues

Marina Del Ray, Seaway Marina and Carlo Ditta paid fines and provided certification that deficiencies have been corrected.

Aqua America: Private Companies Poised to Meet Needs

At least one private water and wastewater company is using its good credit rating to invest in infrastructure.

$100 M in Stimulus Available for SmartGrid Training

Energy Secretary Steven Chu said the funds will support training program development as well as training program implementation.

Vented Stoves Improve Women's Health in Mexico

The National Institute of Public Health study followed 500 households and found that families that used the Patsai stove experienced better lung function than those that did not.