
USGS Study Questions Use of Indicator Bacteria

Michigan Water Science Center finds little relation between E. coli and fecal indicator bacteria criteria for recreational waters.

Agency Joins WHO in Detailing Radon's Cancer Risk

Radon inhalation accounts for up to 14 percent of lung cancers worldwide. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is joining the World Health Organization's first global call-to-action on cancer risk from radon in homes.

Riyadh Conference Calls for Papers

Abstracts for the 2010 International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environments should be submitted by Oct. 30 to the conference Web site.

Agency Reopens Perchlorate Comment Period

Deadline for submissions on whether an EPA ruling would lower human health risks is set for Oct. 8.

CARB Fines Companies for Gas-Powered Drink Blenders

Imported from China, the blenders use uncertified small off-road engines that can produce excess smog-forming emissions.

NSF Certifies Wilkins to New Calif. Lead Requirements

Company's backflow preventers now meet California's lead content rules, which go into effect Jan. 1.

116 Drinking Water Contaminants Make Final CCL 3

Agency stresses that the field of contaminant candidates was narrowed down with the help of input from stakeholders, the National Research Council, and the National Drinking Water Advisory Council.

EPRI Set to Test Cooling Water Intake Screens

The institute will evaluate the performance of fine mesh screens at Kansas City Power & Light's Hawthorn Station, which discharges water to the Missouri River.

UL Improves Taste and Odor Testing

Company changes to Standard Method 6040D and V210 should make results more precise and timely.

Satellite Data Show Decrease in Ozone Bromine Monoxide

Research shows a small increase in stratospheric ozone after the restrictions of the Montreal Protocol were established.

ASHRAE Recommends Mechanical Systems for High Rises

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers wants to strengthen the requirements for natural ventilation in high-rise residential buildings.

Wilson Industrial Sales Wins NACD Distribution Award

Association says company is committed to the environment and recycling of products.

More PM2.5 Posed Risks to Taxi Drivers, Study Says

Researchers tested taxi drivers before, during, and after the 2008 Beijing Olympics for their heart rate variability in response to varying levels of particulate matter pollution.

Rainfall, Conservation Fill Aqua Pennsylvania's Reservoirs

Company expects to have plenty of water for the future.

Plainview, Neb., to Pay $14,940 for Violating NPDES

The city failed to meet effluent limits for ammonia and nitrogen.

AWWA Calls for Papers for Distribution, Security Meetings

Next year's conferences will be co-located in Nashville, Tenn.