
Glen Daigger Elected IWA President-elect

Daigger, a wastewater expert who works for CH2M Hill, will work to strengthen the International Water Association over the next two years.

PFPAs Found in Canadian Surface Water, Effluent

Study suggests additional research is needed to determine if these fluorochemicals could be harmful.

USDA Dam Safety Contracts Use Some Stimulus Funds

AMEC, Black & Veatch, Gannett Fleming, HDR, Kleinfelder and URS win contracts that have a combined total value of $60 million.

Heinz Awards $1 M for Environmental Achievements

Foundation focuses only on environment this year, with 10 recipients each receiving $100,000.

Global Solar Center: Lagging States Become Solar Leaders

The U.S. government has just changed its solar tax credit to a solar grant, funded by the federal stimulus bill. Additionally, hundreds of states and municipalities have launched their own incentives on top of this federal grant.

Global Green Cars to Build Electric Vehicles in Kentucky

Company plans to scale up to mass production in 2011.

Toyota, Coca-Cola Help 4-H Expand Water Quality Program

The Toyota USA Foundation and The Coca-Cola Foundation will fund the expansion of 4-H’s youth water quality and conservation programming, called 4-H2O.

Brassinosteroids Help Lower Pesticide Residues, Study Says

Scientists in China treated cucumber plants with a plant hormone and various pesticides and found lower levels of residues in the plants.

Illinois Professor Creating a Toxics Sensor for Chemists

Kenneth S. Suslick and colleagues have developed an optoelectronic nose for the detection of toxic industrial chemicals.

Weed Science: Invasive Plants Impede Flood Control

The Weed Science Society of America recommends a proactive, integrated approach for managing invasive plants and weeds problem and keeping any overgrowth from jamming stormwater pumps and blocking water flow.

Charity: Water Donates $128,000 for Malwai Projects

Water For People will use funding to help 12 communities in the rural district of Chikwawa gain access to water, sanitation, and health and hygiene education.

CO Standard May Not Protect Health of Heart Patients

EPA-NIEHS study found that an increase of 1 ppm carbon monoxide in the maximum daily one-hour exposure is linked to a 0.96 percent increase in the risk of hospitalization from cardiovascular disease for people 65 years and older.

Chinese, Defective Drywall Meeting to Deliver Protocols

The conference will issue protocols and proposed national warranties for homes remediated under these protocols.

Reader's Commentary

The alarmist comments presented in the following article from your newsletter are very irresponsible given recent information that has come to light regarding the fact that global cooling has actually taken place over the past ten years.

EPA Expects to Revise Power Plant Discharge Rules

Current water discharge regulations, which were issued in 1982, have not kept pace with changes in the electric power industry, EPA says.

Prototype NIST Method Detects Measures Elusive Toxins

Tom Bruno enhanced headspace analysis to improve the efficiency of sample collection, making the technique capable of detecting low concentrations of polar, low-volatility compounds.

Israel's Palmachim Desalination Plant Adds PX Devices

Energy Recovery Inc. helps plant expand capacity by reducing energy used during desalination.

Internet Phone Book Co. Encourages Ban on Printed Books

Georgia, Ohio, Florida and Missouri are considering opt-in programs, which eliminate the automatic delivery of white pages phone books.