
CDR, SRM Are Risky Plan Bs to Manage Warming, Report Says

If efforts to lower greenhouse gases are not successful, governments may turn to geoengineering techniques, which have not been studied or found to be effective at an affordable cost.

Teck Alaska Pays $120,000 for Alleged NPDES Violations

According to EPA, the mine owner/operator failed to collect representative samples of effluent and exceeded its NPDES permit limits.

WaterAid Australia Launches the Walk4Water

The Walk4Water initiative seeks to encourage people to experience the 10,000 steps required to fetch water every day.

Space Station Is Testing Utah Water Quality Method

University of Utah chemists have developed a method to detect if drinking water aboard the International Space Station is adequately disinfected.

Agencies Close Part of Emory River for Ash Cleanup

EPA and TVA are still removing ash from the Emory River and have closed sections to ensure safety at the site.

Stamford Chooses Nexterra for Biomass Gas System

The biomass gasification system will be used to power the Stamford Water Pollution Control Authority.

Nitrogen Soil Rice Test Guards Against Excess, Runoff

N-ST*R tests mineralizable soil nitrogen, enabling farmers to better calculate the amount of nitrogen that should be applied to rice crops for maximum yield but no excess that might be carried away as runoff.

CBD, Greenpeace Sue NOAA to Protect Ribbon Seal

Groups cite flawed Bush-era decision for denying Endangered Species Act protection to ribbon seals.

Farmington, Mo., Orders Heliscreen for CSO Mitigation

Hydro International says East Treatment Plant will be the first facility in the United States to install the system, which is commonly used in the United Kingdom.

Trees Power Sensors in University of Washington Study

Tapping Bigleaf maples, which generate a steady voltage of up to a few hundred millivolts, University of Washington researchers developed a boost converter and used the stored power to operate low-power sensors.

79 Surface Coal Mining Projects Deserve Review, EPA Says

EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will discuss these permits, which may pose environmental concerns for water quality and affected ecosystems.

AWWA Continues its Webcast Run

Over the next few weeks, the American Water Works Association is hosting Webcasts on membranes and distribution systems.

EPA's Chesapeake Plan Requires More Runoff Control

In May, President Obama established a committee of federal agencies to develop a plan for restoring and protecting Chesapeake Bay and they now have proposed strategies to accelerate cleanup.

79 Surface Coal Mining Projects Deserve Review, EPA Says

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says an initial review shows that 79 projects in Appalachian states would likely cause water quality impacts.