
Algae Can be a Good Thing for Municipal Wastewater

Professor says halophytic micro-algae can be grown on municipal wastewater and may serve as a biofuel feedstock.

Report: Business Needs Compelling Reason to 'Green Up'

George Mason University professor suggests strong leadership, a product label policy and tools to implement sustainability practices would be helpful.

Smart Growth Targets Waterfront Communities, Climate Change

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies have released a smart growth guide that will help coastal and waterfront communities tackle threats from sea level rise, stronger hurricanes, flooding and other challenges.

Agency Fines Onshore Oil Company for SPCC Issues

George W. Stokes Company ordered to pay $1,800 for violating the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure regulations of the Clean Water Act.

Inland Waters Left Out of Carbon Mitigation Models

Scientists says carbon transfers between the land-freshwater boundary, the freshwater-atmosphere boundary, and regional boundaries within continents present opportunities and challenges for determining mitigation strategies.

USGS to Track Sinks Near California Aqueduct

The state will provide $202,000 to fund the research, while the federal government will provide $53,000.

Company Offers Free Counseling, Funding for Unemployed

Everblue has established counseling services to help unemployed workers pay for and pass their LEED Green Associate Exam and will assist them in exploring job options.

DOE Awards PNNL $6.8 M for Marine, River Power Studies

Researchers will look into how fish and marine mammals are affected by water power devices and whether this power production could create "dead zones."

ANSI, NIST Prepare for World Standards Day 2009

Standards groups highlight the critical role of standards and conformity assessment programs for environmental stewardship.

Where Do You Think EPA Should Focus Enforcement?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is asking you to provide input via its online discussion forum.

Geology, Models Tell the Story of Arctic Climate, Study Says

A study by Northern Arizona University and the National Center for Atmospheric Research quantifies long-term cooling trend with more certainty.

Canada, Ontario First Nation Improve Water System

The Canadian government provided $8.3 million for the new water treatment plant.

EPA Samples Private Wells near Mills Gap Site

Early sampling data indicated elevated levels of trichloroethene.

UNH Stands for Sustainability

The University of New Hampshire plans to cut its greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2020, and it has begun by investing in co-generation and landfill-gas-to-energy projects.

Navy Awards American Systems $23.5M for AMI Work

Stimulus-funded task orders will enable the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps to analyze their energy consumption.