
Imagine H2O Opens Business Plan Competition

The organization will award $70,000 in cash and in-kind services for the plans that promise the greatest breakthroughs in the efficient use and supply of water.

Gulf Guardian to Hand out Awards, Celebrates 10 Years

The Gulf of Mexico Program initiated the Gulf Guardian awards in 2000 to recognize and honor the businesses, community groups, individuals, and agencies that are taking positive steps to keep the Gulf healthy, beautiful and productive.

EPA Cites Shell Again for Violations in Puerto Rico

A leak from Shell Chemical Yabucoa's diffuser pipeline allegedly discharged unpermittted pollutants earlier this year.

Scientists Use Zinc Powder Water to Make Nanorods

Researchers in Saudi Arabia say their process is non-toxic and environmentally friendly.

Two Manufacturers Answer for No General Duty of Care

Two manufacturing companies will pay civil penalties and take corrective measures to settle Clean Air Act violations resulting from explosions at two plants in 2002 and 2003 in Louisville, Ky., and Pascagoula, Miss.

Rentech Inks Synfuels Deal for LAX Ground Services

Eight airlines at Los Angeles International Airport have agreed to purchase renewable synthetic diesel fuel from Rentech for ground service equipment, starting in late 2012.

Grand Jury Indicts Hotel Owner for Illegal Discharge

The Crowne Plaza Hotel in Seacaucus allegedly discharged polluted wastewater into the Hackensack River without a permit.

Associated Industries Counters Sierra Club on Offshore Drilling

National security, contamination threats, and jobs are at odds as a near-shore drilling measured is considered by Congress.

SWANA Taps T. Boone Pickens for WASTECON Address

Pickens, architect of a plan to use natural gas and renewable fuels in place of foreign oil, will share his vision at the Solid Waste Association of North America's annual conference this month.

Washington OKs Spill Contingency Plans for 13 Oil Operators

The approved readiness plans are the first to fully satisfy Washington's new oil spill contingency rule updated in 2006.

President of Missouri Pesticide Co. Gets Six Months, Fine

William Garvey pleaded guilty earlier this year and was sentenced Sept. 1 for violating the Clean Water Act and hazardous waste storage laws.

NCPA Calls CARS Program a Clunker

The National Center for Policy Analysis says Cash for Clunkers was a good idea that was poorly executed.

Woonsocket Selects Veolia Water for Collection System O&MM

Veolia has operated the city's wastewater treatment facility for 10 years and now has a contract to provide services for Woonsocket's collection system.

Stimulus Enables Eldorado to Install Solar Power System

Eldorado Natural Spring Water in Colorado is installing a 100- kilowatt solar electric system on the roof of its main office.

Hong Kong Water Main Work Reduces Impact

Black & Veatch uses trenchless technology in traffic corridor.

MOP Helps Communities Develop Water Reuse Projects

The WateReuse Association has released a new manual of practice that offers a step-by-step approach for planning a successful project.


Case Study: Seawall System Used to Retain Earthen Walls

Pima County adapts a seawall system for use in containing a protection wall in Canada del Oro Wash at a more reasonable cost.