
Lockheed Martin, Black & Veatch to Help Utilities Upgrade

Companies offer integrated technology and communication to help shape projects and request grants from the DOE's Smart Grid Investment Grant Program.

WRD Assesses Groundwater Supply in Southern LA County

The Vander Lans treatment facility, 100-percent recycled water for barrier protection, and recycled water for replenishment should help the Water Replenishment District meets its goals.

Virginia Tech Checks Impacts of Coal Mining on Water

The researchers are looking into the effectiveness of stream restoration activities and associations between total dissolved solids and aquatic benthic macroinvertebrates.

American Water to Find Methods of Optimizing RO

Water Research Foundation gives grant to company to determine better pretreatment processes for reverse osmosis desalination.

Henry Hudson 400 Announces Student Winners

Delft, Rutgers and Columbia university students took the top places in the New Generation Competition, which will be celebrated Sept. 9 and 10 at H209 in Jersey City, N.J.

ORNL Scientists Hone Use of Microalgae to Safeguard Supply

Using the right strategies, microalgae can be used as broad spectrum automated biosense systems for monitoring source drinking water, the study shows.

Cathodic Protection

Operations managers in the water and wastewater industry are looking for ways to be more efficient. Wireless remote monitoring can provide one option for corrosion control using existing supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) networks and automation.

UCLA Extension Offers Sustainability Certificate

The program offers four areas of concentration: Design, Business Strategy, Energy & Technology, and Environmental Law & Policy.

Organic Framework May Offer Safer, Denser Acetylene Storage

NIST scientists have probed a metal-organic framework that soaks up acetylene like a sponge. The finding may be useful to the chemical industry in the future.

NIST Issues 3 New Soil Reference Materials for Labs

These standard reference materials are useful for soil analyses performed by various commercial, government, and university laboratories.

Europe's REACH May Require Even More Animals, Funds

Johns Hopkins School suggests the European Union may want to consider revising its test approaches to cut costs.

EPA Recognizes Sioux Falls, Minnehaha Corp. for Excellence

Utilities received EPA Clean Water, Drinking Water awards at separate ceremonies.

Rain Bird Names Finalists for Intelligent Water Use Award

Finalists had to demonstrate water savings, landscape preservation, innovation, and overall impact on the community.

USGBC Collects LEED Data to Measure Prediction Gaps

New initiative for analysis methodology development will be shared with LEED building owners and project teams.

Task Force to Review Post-Katrina Restoration

Work on restoring Louisiana's coastline has yet to be completed four years after Hurricane Katrina caused billions of dollars in damage.