
Potassium Permanganate Could Migrate, Residents Cautioned

Neighbors of Valmont Superfund site should not use well water until cleanup is complete.

San Francisco Bay Gets Stimulus for Port Truck Filters

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District will get $2 million to supplement state and local funds for installing diesel exhaust filters at the Port of Oakland.

EPA Awards Stimulus Funds to Lower Diesel Emissions

Cascade Sierra Solutions and Colorado to receive more than $3 million total in funds under the National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program.

ALA Experts to Testify, Urge Stronger NO2 Standards

The American Lung Association wants standards greater than those the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency proposed.

Water System Better Using Green Solutions, Report Says

Aspen Institute report calls for integrating built and natural infrastructure and removing barriers to water management.

Dentist's Video Highlights Waste Metals in Ocean

Dr. Carey O'Rielly created a video for Encinitas Environment Day 2009 on green dentistry and ocean conservation.

Six Appalachian Communities to Benefit from EPA Grant

Wheeling Jesuit University will look at the impacts of mining, water management, and reducing toxin exposure in six West Virginia communities.

EPA Gives Recovery Funds for Underground Petroleum Leaks

U.S. territories, states to receive more than $9.8 million to assess and clean up underground petroleum leaks.

Oregon Passes Paint Producer Responsibility Law

Leftover paint is the largest component of local household hazardous waste collection programs, and now in Oregon, manufacturers will be managing it.

Illinois, Wisconsin Get Stimulus for Water Management

U.S. EPA: Funds save jobs to help prevent water pollution and protect human health and the environment.

UL Joins Dialogue on Water Standards in India

Stakeholders address India's demand for potable water.

PlanetGreen Picks on Litter to Protect Waterways

August campaign challenges people to keep bags, butts and bottles off the beaches and waterfronts.

Renewable Energy Lab Wins Three R&D 100 Awards

DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory and its partners are recognized for their work in weather exposure testing, solar collection, and lithium batteries.

San Antonio Trades Lush Lawns for Water Future

San Antonio Water System is using its drought management and conservation programs to ensure an adequate water supply for its customers.

Yeast Strain Could Help Fast-Track Biofuel Production

A USDA scientist has developed yeast that makes ethanol from two different kinds of sugars without oxygen.