
Facility in China Selects Biological Denitrification

Huishan Wastewater Treatment plant will use Severn Trent's fixed film biological denitrification process to lower nitrogen and phosphorus.

N.Y. & N.J. Port Approves Program to Retire Older Trucks

The program, which will cost as much as $28 million, is similar but smaller than the Clean Trucks Program of the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

ICCR Ranks Utilities on Public Disclosure Issues

New South Wales and New York City scored highest with 55 and 50, respectively.

Green Century Fund Reports its Carbon Footprint

Trucost performed Balanced Fund report that shows less carbon intensity when compared to the S&P 500 Index.

NOAA: Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone Smaller, But Severe

Dr. Rabalais from Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium says unusual weather patterns kept the dead zone smaller than expected.

Research Suggests Colorado Reservoirs May Run Dry

Better management may be able to change year 2057 outlook.

Young Eco-Heroes Tackle Environmental Problems

Action For Nature announces its 2009 International Awards.

Excel-based Model Assesses Conservation Programs

The Alliance for Water Efficiency offers the tool free to its members.

WiLDCOAST Wins Grant from California American Water

Organization will use funds to restore and clean up Otay and Tijuana river watersheds.

Maryland Offers Audits, Equipment Advice for Farmers

The program will help all agricultural producers reduce costs through farm energy audits and equipment incentives for qualifying energy-saving projects.

Oregon Governor: Climate Change Laws Vital to Economy

New state laws cover GHG emissions reporting, energy efficiency in building codes, and blocks the development of conventional coal powered electricity plants.

Estuary Study: Non-Native Species Drive Oyster Decline

A study of oyster reefs in a once-pristine California coastal estuary found them devastated by invasive Atlantic Coast crabs and snails.

House Introduces Drinking Water Security Bill

The sponsors say the largest water utilities support the legislation.

Financial Assurance Rule to Target Hardrock Mining

EPA plans to propose rule to ensure that owners and operators of hardrock mines pay for cleanup.

Purdue Compares Manure, Fertilizer Applications

The research shows that the use of manure does not negatively affect the carbon loads of nearby waterways when compared to other fertilizer systems.

AWWA Publishes Wastewater Operator Study Guide

The American Water Works Association's certification study guide is now available for purchase.

USGBC Base LEED Certified; Council a New Reviewing Body

Headquarters design showcases Platinum certification, while the Green Building Certification Institute accepts the Council as the first Education Reviewing Body.