
Texas Gets $179 M to Address Wastewater Needs

EPA awarded American Recovery and Reinvestment Act money to the Texas Water Development Board.

Puerto Rico to Receive Nearly $72 M for Water Projects

Stimulus funds will finance overdue improvements to wastewater and drinking water systems as well as water quality planning.

Army Lab Study 'Improves' Water Needs Equation

New research sharpens Shapiro equation of sweat production, adjusting the amount of water needed in the field for hydration.

Oregon Bans Topping Off Gas Tanks to Lower Emissions

The rule was adopted in December to prevent benezene and volatile organic compound emissions from gas stations.

Lowe's Offers Tips on How to Save Water

The average household spends as much as $500 per year on water and sewer bills and uses about 100 gallons of water each day, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Mississippi River Is Coastal Areas' Hottest Hotspot

University of California researchers say resource management and conservation won't work if they don't address the impacts of land-based human activity, particularly the mouth of the Mississippi River.

Bruno Steis Becomes CEO of inge watertechnologies

Bruno Steis has now replaced Wolfgang K. Distler as the company's chief executive officer.

USGS Develops Supply Model for Calif. Central Valley

Hydrologic model provides insights into surface and ground water supplies.

Army Lab Study 'Improves' Water Needs Equation

New research sharpens Shapiro equation of sweat production, adjusting the amount of water needed in the field for hydration.

Mississippi River Is Coastal Areas' Hottest Hotspot

University of California researchers say resource management and conservation won't work if they don't address the impacts of land-based human activity, particularly the mouth of the Mississippi River.

EPA, Businesses Agree on Timing of Texas Air Review

The agreement settles an August 2008 lawsuit requesting that EPA set deadlines.

Energy Star Homes Reach 17% Market Share for 2008

EPA says that number is an increase of 12% over 2007.

Opcon, Tricorona Team up to Export Technology

Stockholm-based company has a technology that generates carbon-free electricity from waste heat.

Texas Roundup Seeks Green Business Experts

July 30 is last day to turn in an application to present at the 10th annual Renewable Energy Roundup & Green Living Fair in Fredericksburg.

Flowserve Earns $3 M from Desal Projects in Spain

Energy recovery devices for seawater reverse osmosis desalination are popular in Spain; Flowserve sells equipment for three different projects.

18 Cities Report Efforts to Lower GHG Emissions

Carbon Disclosure Project-ICLEI report says 18 cities are assessing government operations' greenhouse gas emissions and then implementing policies and programs citywide.