
Cadiz Moves Forward on Groundwater Storage Plan

This water conservation and storage project involves a broad collection of Southern California water providers.

WERF Targets Trace Organics in Biosolids-amended Soil

The Water Environment Research Foundation is seeking fundiing partners for a five-year study evaluating the fate and transport of trace organics in biosolids-amended soils.

Associations Honor 28 Solid Waste Industry Professionals

More than two dozen men and women were honored for their service to the field at a ceremony sponsored by the Environmental Industry Associations (EIA), the National Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA), and the Waste Equipment Technology Association (WASTEC).

U.S. Sends HazMat Equipment to Mexico to Build Border Response Capability

Personal protective suits, multi-gas meters, and related hazmat response equipment for Cuidad Juárez first responders were transferred to Mexico's Dirección de Protección Civil.

Ontario WEA Gives Biosolids Award to Terratec

The Ontario Water Environment Association recognized Terratec Environmental for exemplary management.

Mid-Atlantic Governors to Collaborate on Ocean Uses

The council will advocate for and leverage state influence on the management of offshore ocean areas.

Maine Storage Owner Pays for Chemical Reporting Violations

The owner of a storage facility in Bangor, Maine, will pay a fine of $17,121 to settle EPA claims that it violated chemical reporting requirements.

Inspection Finds SPCC Violations at Robinowitz Oil

The Tulsa oil company is ordered to pay $3,300 for failing to inspect tanks and other equipment as required by the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure regulations.

New Colo. Law Offers Landowners Tax Credit for Water

Farmers and ranchers who donate their water to protect rivers and streams receve an income tax credit.

SWANA: Monthly Reporting, Phase-in Needed for Proposed GHG Rule

The Solid Waste Association of North America submitted comments to EPA on mandatory reporting of greenhouse gases.

Elster AMCO Water Introduces SmartMeter

The product portfolio comes to Elster via an acquisition from Severn Trent Services.

EPA Cites Facilities in Southeast for Stormwater

Five states will pay a combined total of $92,249.

Cornell Manages Half its Food Waste into High-quality Compost

The amount of food scraps and animal bedding Cornell University processes makes the university the second largest recycler in Tompkins County.

Sampling Indoor Air Quality

Today, indoor air quality (IAQ) assessments may be performed to find out more than just if a building's air is contributing to or causing adverse health effects in occupants.

Wisconsin Will Modernize Shoreland Protection Rules

The changes should improve lake and stream protection and give property owners more flexibility.

Sept. 4 New Deadline for Proposed Cement Rule Comments

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency extended the deadline to comment on a proposal to slash mercury emissions from Portland cement kilns.