
VUEWorks Partners with GeoNet Technologies

Consulting and data services company GeoNet adds GIS asset management solutions through its relationship with VUEWorks.

Ultrapure Market to Grow by 2011, McIlvaine Says

Semiconductor market conditions are bringing down the ultrapure water market in 2009, according to a report by the McIlvaine Company.

Illinois Sues Crestwood Village, Mayors, Operator

Creastwood Village leaders and a treatment plant operator failed to provide safe water to customers and provided false information to the Illionis Environmental Protection Agency.

NSF Certifies EverPEX for Potable Water Use

JM Eagle's five-layered polyethylene tubing is certified for use in potable water applications.

'Whiz Kids' Documents Welcker's Science Journey

Documentary shows how lack of U.S. funding has not stopped young scientists, including a former Stockholm Junior Water Prize finalist, from making their mark for the environment.

NMSF Opinion Further Cuts California Water Supply

In response to a biological opinion protecting more fish, the California Department of Water Resources forecasts further water supply restrictions in 2010.

Canadians Take Issue with ARRA 'Buy American' Rule

Municipalities want U.S. to broker a fair trade for water and wastewater projects related to stimulus funding.

Wanted: Cities to Try Solar Street Lighting

Eco Alternative Solutions is offering a no-cost trial of its solar powered street light system to 25 cities.

Study: Risk for S&P 500 Varies in Cap and Trade

Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute and Trucost say the earnings of most companies would be relatively unaffected.

Hydraulic Institute Calls for Pump Guide Reviewers

The Hydraulic Institute is seeking pump users, specifiers, producers, standards developers, government agency representatives, and general interest groups to review its updated standard for rotodynamic pumps.

Bills Seek to Close Frac Chemicals Loophole in SDWA

Bills in the House and Senate seek to address hydraulic fracturing process chemicals used by the oil and gas industry.