
Arizona American Water Offers Hydration Tips

Arizona American Water will supply water to emergency services providers to help prevent deaths this summer in the state.

Council Reports Design-Build Market Thriving

The design-build market grew nearly 80 percent in 2008 to $2.2 billion.

U.S. Beaches Open 95% of Time, EPA Says

EPA's annual Beach Report says that coastal and Great Lakes beaches were almost always open during the swimming season in 2008.

Solar Society Calls for Supporters to Showcase Projects

This year's tour is slated for Oct. 3.

NAWC, WPC Members Merge Interests

Services providers from the National Association of Water Companies and the Water Partnership Council have merged to raise the profile of solutions they offer.

Washington Asks for Comment on Industrial Permit

Washington's Industrial Stormwater General Permit is undergoing a comment and review process to streamline and simplify reporting requirements.

USDA Earmarks $3.3 M for Honey Creek Watershed

Stimulus funding from the Department of Agriculture will provide watershed protection in Honey Creek and floodplain easements in Indiana.

Control, Clean, and Inspect for Better Indoor Air

Servpro is offering tips to help people improve the condition of the air in their homes.

USGS Study Links Estrogen to Fish Immunity

Endocrine disruptors may affect the immune system of fish, making them more susceptible to disease, according to a U.S. Geological Survey study.

Louisiana Can Learn from Netherlands, Landrieu Says

U.S. delegation visits the Netherlands, hoping to bring its model and management approach back to the United States, and especially Louisiana.

Consultant: Green Jobs Not an Automatic Fix

Author Jerry Yudelson climate change and the recession require thoughtful, carefully calculated solutions.

Regulations.gov Puts Government Rulemaking to Work

Through July 21, there is one place on the Internet to go to find and comment on pending regulations.

Part II: The Green Campus: Strategic Decisions

Delta College (Mich.) has a passel of green efforts under way, which could fall under all sorts of headings.

DWSRF Allotment to Change if Budget Approved

EPA has raised the percentage of financing available under state drinking water state revolving fund programs, which will go into effect if Congress approves President Obama's Fiscal Year 2010 budget.