
New Program Certifies Biosolids Land Appliers

A land applier must meet specific education, experience, and examination requirements.

WERF Has $500,000 for New Water Quality Research

The Water Environment Research Foundation will support new or ongoing projects that preserve resources and transform how wastewater and stormwater facilities protect public health.

Montgomery Completes IT Security, Disaster Plan

The Water Works and Sanitary Sewer Board of Montgomery, Ala., worked with Integrated Computer Solutions to complete its business continuity and disaster recovery preparedness plan.

Study Measures Natural Petroleum in Ocean Sediment

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the University of California Santa Barbara have quantified oil residue in seafloor sediments from natural petroleum seeps.


MIT Model Omits Methane Threat

Author explains that the MIT climate model underestimates the severity of global warming because it does not include natural methane emissions in its calculations.

WHO Details Chemical Concerns in Developing Nations

Chemical production, processing, and use are closely tied to economic development.

EPA Extends E15 Application Comment Period

The current limit on the amount of ethanol that can be blended into a gallon of gasoline is 10 volume percent ethanol (E10) for conventional vehicles.

WateReuse Foundation, PUB Form Research Alliance

The organizations will pool resources to impact alternative sources of water supply.

NSF Report Describes Signs of Global Climate Change

The National Science Foundation reports that researchers have found signs of a changing climate in nearly every corner of the globe over nearly 60 years.

Study: MIT Model Runs Find Hotter Changes Afoot

The MIT Integrated Global Systems Model includes detailed treatment of possible changes in human acitivites.

Emerson to Install SCADA System at Wind Farm

Portland General Electric Co. will use Ovation SCADA at the Biglow Canyon wind farm, whic is about 140 miles east of Portland, Ore.

KERA Explores Trinity River's Impact on North Texas

PBS TV and radio have put together a mulitmedia project that looks at the relationship of North Texans and the Trinity River.

McIlvaine: Address CO2 Capture for Power Plants Now

Delaying decisions on carbon dioxide mitigation will affect power plant management costs.

Noblis Offers GHG Analysis over the Web

The nonprofit science, technology, and strategy organization provides analytical tools to assess a company's sustainability status.

Pump Groups Seek Hosts for Enhanced Course

The course focuses on pumping system optimization, energy saving opportunities, and life cycle costing.