
DOI Names Partners in Conservation Award Winners

Agency give 26 awards to those who achieve natural resource goals by working with others.

Trend Home Rainwater System Uses Goulds Pumps

The home features permeable pavements, structured insulated panels, a tempered passive solar orientation as well as solar electricical generation.

FilmL.A. to Recruit Water Conservation Filmmakers

The company is working with Rain Bird on the next Intelligent Use of Water Film Competition.

Mascoma Notes Cellulosic Biofuel Breakthrough

The company says it has made major advances in consolidated bioprocessing, a process that produces biofuels from cellulosic biomass.

Rentech Enters Engineering Phase for Synfuels Plant

Rialto Renewable Energy Center would provide about 600 barrels per day of renewable synthetic fuels.

Jefferson Renewable Energy Gets Waste Plant Permit

Ohio EPA has approved the air permit for a $317-million renewable energy plant

Revised Specs Lower Cost of WaterSense in New Homes

EPA has refined the draft labeling specification for single-family new homes.

ERI, Water Standard Partner for Ship Desalination

Water Standard plans to use an energy recovery device from Energy Recovery Inc. in its first seawater desalination vessel.

Desalination Pilot to Test Advanced Vapor Compression

Terrabon LLC has engaged Applied Water Management to provide engineering and operating services for a desalination pilot plant in Laredo, Texas.

Maryland Preparing to Implement GHG Reduction Act

The state must achieve a 25 percent reduction in emissions by 2020.

WaterSmart Meeting Garners High-profile Support

The second annual conference will include the Alliance for Water Efficiency,, GreenPlumbers USA, and the International Center for Water Technology.

Network Emphasizes Conservation in Landscape Work

AquaSave Network is committed to help landscape and irrigation professionals thrive despite drought and water demand conditions.

Investors Add $6 M to Seattle's Powerit Solutions

The company's Spara automated energy management system provides a facilitywide rules engine that leverages the flexibility of IP connectivity and the economy of wireless devices.