
So, You Want a Paint Booth

Industrial painting operations, which provide durable and aesthetically pleasing finishes to many products, are much more complex than hanging some plastic sheeting and grabbing a spray gun.

PNNL Controller Provides Brains for Recharging Cars

The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory developed a controller that automatically recharges electric vehicles when power demand and cost are low.

10 Tips for Enhancing Wildlife, Habitats

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is encouraging individuals to take action to benefit fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats.

NDA, CSDA Become Information Allies

Demolition and concrete groups set up an agreement to promote safety and professionalism in their industries.

Calif. Survey Finds Residents Ready to Conserve More

A water agencies association and a state agency are educating residents about the state's water challenges and what they can do to help.

Pa. Seeks Comments on ARRA Grant Program

The Department of Environmental Protection is trying to determine if the public and local officials think the state is using its share of funding as effectively as possible.

Mass. Focuses on Efficiency and Renewable Power

Gov. Patrick has launched a Green Communities Program to help Massachusetts residents cut energy bills through efficiency and locally generated renewable power.

Southeast Positioned for Renewable Energy, WRI Report Says

Local renewable energy investments can meet more than 25 percent of future electricity needs in the Southeast by 2025.

Studies: PBDE Rules Lower Level in Fish, Bird Eggs

The elimination of flame-retardant compounds may be reducing the levels of these chemicals in fish and birds.

GE: Oil & Gas Technology Reduces NOx Emissions

The first commercial application of the Dry Low NOx technology is at a cogeneration power plant in Cremona, Italy.

EDF: Carbon Cap Not that Costly a Solution

EPA analysis says that the Waxman-Markey bill's cap on carbon pollution would cost individuals about 12 cents per day.