

Jackson Discusses American Clean Energy and Security Act

On April 22, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson spoke before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on the draft American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009.

Chamber Directs Attention to Energy Project Obstacles

Permitting and siting hurdles as well as activist groups have delayed several energy projects, says the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Trucost Measures Carbon in Mutual Funds

A new report offers comparisons of the carbon footprints of leading U.S. mutual funds.

GE Recognizes Nyrstar's Water Conservation Efforts

Australian plant has saved 6.4 million gallons of water per year while increasing water efficiency and reducing operating costs.

New Mexico Laws Support Jobs, Renewable Energy

Gov. Bill Richardson approves the use of federal and state funds for training, among other things.

Campaign Educates Kids on Fighting Climate Change

EPA pushes Energy Star pledge to encourage the use of more efficient lighting and other products.