
U.S. Wants Emissions Control Area to Halt Ship Air Pollution

An IMO-sanctioned emissions control area would enable the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to impose strict standards on oil tankers and other large ships.

Real Estate Firms Fail to Follow Lead Paint Disclosure Rule

A real estate company and property owners will pay a penalty and more than $2 million in lead paint abatement work in Massachusetts and Connecticut.

Inside the Breathing Zone

According to EPA, indoor air quality may have two to five times more organic pollutants than outdoor air, but there are ways to manage these them inside.

SPCC Rule Changes Now Effective in 2010

January 14 is the date by which new amendments to the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure regulations become effective.

A Heated Exchange

A nine-year-old company based in Zurich, Switzerland, has been busy persuading property owners to take a second look at their wastewater.