
Two Charged in Liquid Aluminum Sulfate Case

Two water treatment chemicals executives have been charged in Newark, N.J., with the U.S. Department of Justice alleging they conspired to eliminate competition among suppliers of the industrial chemical to municipalities and pulp and paper companies in the United States.

Meeting Sets UNEA-2 Agenda

According to UNEP, a wealth of statistics and research point to strong links between the use of natural resources and conflict.

EPA Announces 2017-2019 Enforcement Initiatives

EPA reported it is expanding its initiative focused on reducing toxic air pollution by adding large storage tanks and hazardous waste facilities to its work to address public health threats.

USGBC Partners with Dodge Data & Analytics to Release World Green Building Trends Report 2016

The new SmartMarket report shows global green building continues to double every three years.

Mutual Housing California Receives $2 Million Loan for Green Community Upgrade

Mutual Housing California recently received a loan of nearly $1.97 million from the California State Department of Housing and Community Development to renovate Owendale Mutual Housing Community.

Unconventional Gas is Structurally Changing Global Gas Markets

According to a new World Energy Council report, the growth of unconventional gas is spreading across the world with major implications over many years for markets and prices.

California Agency Finds Invasive Mudsnails in Feather River

CDFW biologists are conducting additional sampling in adjacent water bodies around and connected to the Feather River, including Lake Oroville, its Forebay and Afterbay, and the Yuba River to get a better idea of the geographic range of this new population.

USGS FY2017 Budget Request Totals $1.2 Billion

The agency's breakdown of the funding request explains that it includes $228 million for water resources research, which is a $17.3 million increase above the FY2016 enacted level.

President Designates Three New National Monuments in California

The White House announcement said President Obama has now protected more than 265 million acres of land and water, the most among all U.S. presidents.

CARB Chair Unfazed By Clean Power Plan Delay

Stating that the U.S. Supreme Court's preliminary ruling "does not disturb the CPP's status as enacted federal law," Air Resources Board Chair Mary D. Nichols announced that the board will move forward on planning for implementation of the plan, including by hosting public workshops and proposing amendments that will allow California to submit a final CPP plan if the board approves it.

Small Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems to Get Funding

The EPA will be giving $12.7 million in grants to help small drinking water and wastewater systems, including private well owners throughout the entire U.S.

UN Celebrates World Wetlands Day

Thus far, 169 countries have signed the Convention on Wetlands and more than 2,200 sites have been designated and recognized as Wetlands of International Importance, covering an area larger than Mexico in all.

Transform Tox Testing Challenge Under Way

The National Toxicology Program and partner agencies are behind the challenge, which will award $500,000 for ideas that help innovate current toxicity testing methods.

EPA Regional Administrator Highlights Food Recovery

"As food rots in a landfill, it produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. At the same time, one in six Americans lack access to the nutrition they need to live an active, healthy life," according to EPA.

Pennsylvania Funding Restored Based on Clean Water Plan

"Pennsylvania was not on track to meet nutrient reduction targets, and EPA made clear in 2015 that it would withhold funding due to that lack of progress. DEP worked with our sister agencies and wrote a plan that will put us on track," said DEP Secretary John Quigley.

GE And Statoil Announce Winners of Open Innovation Challenge Focused on Reducing Water Usage in Onshore Oil and Gas Production

Powering Collaboration is a joint technology-focused program from GE and Statoil, intended to accelerate the development of more environmentally and economically sustainable energy solutions. Four winners for the second Open Innovation Challenge: Reduced Use of Water in Onshore oil and gas operations. The challenge received over 100 entries from 23 different countries.

Virginia Investment Bank Starts Water, Wastewater Practice Group

Managing Directors Mark Bertler and James Simpson together bring more than 50 years of executive-level water industry operating and investment banking experience at water companies.

WHO Warns of El Niño's Public Health Impacts

Based on the latest UN figures, the report estimates 60 million people will be affected by El Niño this year, with many of them suffering health consequences.

USGBC Releases its Annual Top 10 States for LEED Green Building

Illinois leads among all U.S. states for the third consecutive year; LEED momentum grows on the West Coast.

DOE Ups Investment in Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

These technologies will decrease carbon emissions and support DOE's EV Everywhere Grand Challenge to make plug-in electric vehicles as affordable to own and operate as gasoline-powered vehicles by 2022.