
The Next Big Workforce: Nuclear Energy

The DOE puts $60 million into training then next generation’s nuclear energy leaders.

Will They Drill?

Whether or not the federal Bureau of Land Management will drill into The San Rafael Swell - a prized geological formation in Utah - remains an area of strong concern.

Adding Insult to Injury

300,000 gallons of sewage and 233,000 gallons of molasses dumped in Hawaii’s waters.

McCarthy, Moniz Discussing Climate Action Plan Today

The EPA administrator and secretary of energy will participate in a White House Google+ Hangout starting at 12:15 p.m. EDT.

EPA Proposes New Clean Air Act Standard

Limits C02 emissions on new power plants

Soil Remediation Photo

Soil Remediation and the Environment

What causes soil pollution, concerns associated with it, and what can be done to regulate it.

Ice lost from bottom up

Scientists used satellite data and climate model to dispel prior assumptions that Antartic ice melt caused primarily from iceberg calving.

New Study Shows Some Tropical Trees Can 'Regenerate'

A new research study discovered that tropical trees can fix themselves by capturing nitrogen from the air after being logged.

NOAA Releases Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Dataset

Available online, it includes more than 2 million chemical analyses of sediment, tissue, water, and oil, as well as toxicity testing results and related documentation collected by federal agencies, state environmental management agencies, and BP and its contractors.

Biofuel from an Unlikely Source

Biofuel from an Unlikely Source

In a word, the key to future biofuel development stinks.

Governor Jindal Opposes BP's Ad Campaign

The Louisiana governor calls the oil company out for spending more money on advertising than disaster relief.

XPRIZE and NRDC Team Up to Tackle Ocean Acidification

The two organizations sponsor a $2 million competition aimed at saving our oceans.

Chemical Storage Containers to Aid Ohio Meth Lab Cleanups

And the number of labs being seized this year is up significantly, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine reported.

EPA Unveils Online Database on Chemicals' Safety

ChemView displays health and safety data, making it possible to compare chemicals by use and by health or environmental effects, and it allows searches by chemical name or Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number, use, hazard effect, or regulatory action

Lake Okeechobee in Florida Puts Pressure on Local Residents

To prevent a spillover and possible flooding, Florida takes extreme measures.

King County, Wash. Passes Rx Drug Take-Back Law

Puts lid on flushed and trashed prescription meds that poison the environment

Safeway Agrees to Reduce Emissions

"This first-of-its-kind settlement will benefit all Americans by cutting emissions of ozone-depleting substances across Safeway's national supermarket chain," added Robert G. Dreher, acting assistant attorney general for the Justice Department's Environment and Natural Resources Division.

It Pays to Go Green in Maryland

Maryland, EPA, Chesapeake Bay Trust Provide $3.4 Million for Green Infrastructure Program

The U.S. and Sweden Launch Grand Challenge for Development to Secure Water for Food

The program to fund and accelerate scientific and technological innovations to manage water in developing and emerging countries.

The International Ultraviolet Association Honors the NYC Department of Environmental Protection

The department receives an award for UV Engineering Project of the Year.