White Papers

A Practical Guide to Cost-Effectively Achieving Green Building Certification

Facility and operations managers must prioritize sustainability to achieve Green Building certification. Learn how to minimize waste, optimize efficiency, and demonstrate ROI through sustainable procedures and data analysis. Download the asset now to get started.

Safely Recycle Fluorescent Lamps

Air Cycle Corporations creates simple, sustainable solutions that make recycling easy. We are committed to developing these tools and services to help increase recycling rates while also protecting our environment. 

Six Answers About EPA’s RCRA Generator Improvements Rule

EPA’s historic update to the RCRA hazardous waste regulations takes effect on May 30, 2017. The new rules will have a major impact on how your facility manages hazardous waste. Download this free report to explore the biggest changes and identify the steps your facility should take now to prepare.

Whats on Your Sustainability Dashboard

If you want a successful EHS and carbon management program, the perspective is simple. To stay ahead you must look ahead…through the dashboard, not the rear view mirror.

SOCMA's Performance Improvement Program

The foremost EHS&S management system programs to be discussed in this paper are: ChemStewards®, a program of SOCMA; Responsible Care®, a program of the American Chemistry Council (ACC); and Responsible Distribution®, a program of the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD).

The Challenge of Removing Surface Oil

Imagine tackling your greatest production challenge quickly, easily and inexpensively. Now imagine tackling your greatest production challenge quickly, easily and inexpensively – and even generating a profit while doing so.

Lean Water Operations

How to control the cost and pricing of water while improving efficiency.

Thinking Differently About Water

What is the value of water? It turns out that the answer to that question is not straightforward. While the element water - two hydrogen atoms attached to one oxygen atom - is simple, water as a resource is highly complex and filled with contradictions. Water is abundant yet scarce; priceless yet “free,” life-sustaining yet if contaminated, life-threatening.

Investing in Wastewater Treatment Upgrades: Boosting the Triple Bottom Line

Johnson Controls explains how projects that improve wastewater treatment infrastructure can increase operating efficiency, help the local environment, provide economic benefits, improve the reliability of compliance, and enhance the community’s quality of life. Cities and water authorities can attain these benefits without investing their own capital up front and yet earn immediate long-term guaranteed cost savings.

Emulsion Breaking Techniques for Oil in Water Solvent Extractions

Wilks Enterprise suggests six options that may be useful for reducing emulsions enough to take a valid measurement.