Oxarc, which has agreed to pay more than $19,000, did not update its Risk Management Program, according to EPA.
The agency has rejected the Texas Council on Environmental Quality's flexible permit program.
Global Water Group's systems can process 20,000 gallons per day.
The study team will warm a test area in Alaska to evaluate the ecosystem's response.
In new interim guidance, the agency is encouraging employees to be involved during Risk Management Program inspections.
EPA is investigating suspected vapor intrusion at the General Services Administration's Bannister Federal Complex in Kansas City.
The team reviewed the method used by EPA for calculating possible greenhouse gas releases from agricultural anaerobic lagoons and found that the estimates of methane may be underestimated by as much as 65 percent.
EPA recognizes pioneering chemical technologies that produce alcohols from carbon dioxide as well as processes for producing propylene oxide, sitagliptin and expanding the application of spinosad
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is the keynote speaker of the July 7-8 event in Baltimore.
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NSF International said the achievement demonstrates compliance with EPA's Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule.
Broward County and Hillsborough County changed two Superfund sites into a wide-ranging outdoor activities park and a multipurpose waste collection center and model airplane park, respectively.
The U.S. Geological Survey has purchased $3.4 million of high tech electro-acoustic instruments from SonTek/YSI.
Digital photography can replace certified smoke readers to measure opacity.
RS Hydro will install more than 250 flow monitoring stations for the cement supplier, using Siemens and Adcon technologies.
The Pennsylvania authority will pay a $320,000 civil penalty and improve its combined sewer system at an estimated cost of $10 million.
Energy Star program helps auto manufacturers and other industries cut their fossil fuel use and lower greenhouse gas emissions.