
Pipeline Co., 2 Firms Settle Spills Case, Pay $3.65 M

The Justice Department submitted a consent decree covering the 2004 spills of anhydrous ammonia in Nebraska and Kansas that killed an estimated 21,000 fish.

EPA Takes Comments Again on Perchlorate

Wednesday's notice opened a new comment period until Sept. 18 and noted the agency received 32,975 comment letters after announcing Oct. 10, 2008, a preliminary determination that perchlorate did not meet the second and third criteria for regulation. But 32,632 of those were mass-mailed opposing letters.

Circle of Blue's Global Survey Spotlights Water

Water wins over air pollution, natural resources depletion, habitat loss, and climate change as the top environmental problem, according to a survey of 15 countries.

NASA Data Shows Groundwater Declines in India

Data provided by India's Ministry of Water Resources to the NASA-funded researchers suggested groundwater use across India was exceeding natural replenishment.

Study Vindicates Rules Banning Phosphorus Fertilizers

Phosphorus levels dropped an average of 28 percent in the Huron River after the city of Ann Arbor adopted an ordinance in 2006.

Stockholm Water Event Emphasizes Need for Action

During the 2009 World Water Week in Stockholm, more than 2,000 participants gathered to hear leaders challenge the world to think in new ways about the role of water in peace, economic development, and public health.

USDA Outlines New Direction for Forest Management

The new vision seeks to increase public-private cooperation regarding the conservation and restoration practices to non-federal forests.

Brown's Bill Would Keep Clean Energy Jobs in U.S

U.S. manufacturers, distributors, labor unions, and clean energy producers endorse IMPACT, according to the Apollo Alliance.

Researcher Examines Arsenic Exposure-Flu Link in Podcast

Study finds 100 ppb arsenic in drinking water compromises the immune response of mice; research recommends water well users get water tested.

Idling Buses Result in Penalty for Boston Firm

Massachusetts' law bars stopped motor vehicles from operating unnecessarily for more than five minutes.

New Rule Would Lower Impact of Airport Deicing

EPA proposes that major airports needing to deice planes would install centralized deicing pads or collect the spent fluid.

Dalhousie Offers Industrial Best Practices for Water

The report covers the current state of water management in Canadian industrial parks and details tips, solutions, and technologies for reducing water use.

Circle of Blue's Global Survey Spotlights Water

Water wins over air pollution, natural resources depletion, habitat loss, and climate change as the top environmental problem, according to a survey of 15 countries.

DOI Adopts Standard for Mapping Wetlands

The wetlands mapping standard is expected to enhance the quality and consistency of wetlands data.

Baylor Study Tests Wetland Treatment for Homes

The wetland with gravel and plants performed better, or discharged water that was cleaner, during batch dosing when compared against more continuous dosing.

MPCA Extends Stormwater Permit Comment Period

Minnesota's draft permit contains general and sector-specific requirements and control measures, including a stormwater pollution prevention plan and best management practices.