
Researchers Use Fungus to Decompose Plastic Containing BPA

Researchers pretreated polycarbonate with ultraviolet light and heat and exposed it to fungi, which broke down the plastic without releasing bisphenol A.

Alfa Laval to Sponsor Great Lakes' Workshop in New York

The March 26 workshop will focus on best practices in water conservation for small- and medium-sized craft brewers and cheese companies.

EPA Extends Stormwater General Permits under Its Authority

The extension will give the agency time to incorporate new federal effluent requirements for the construction and development industry that were announced on Dec. 1, 2009.

Mercury in Old Fillings Probably Not as Toxic, Study Reports

Scientists in Canada compared new and old surfaces of dental amalgam and found that the metal fillings lost up to 95 percent of the mercury over time.

WEF, Recycling Association Partner for Shared Vision

The Water Environment Federation and the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association will leverage resources to support integrated water resource management.

Providence water treatment plant

EWG Rates Providence Drinking Water No. 2 Nationally

Maguire Group and O'Brien & Gere will help the city upgrade its filter system in a $39.5 million reconstruction project.

DOL Offers Nearly $190 M for Green Training

Grant funds, filtered through state workforce investment boards, will help program participants learn technical and occupational skills to get industry recognized credentials.

EPA Proposes New Nitrogen Dioxide Standard for Air

The agency set the new one-hour standard for nitrogen dioxide at 100 ppb and communities, depending on their population size, will have to locate monitors near roadways.

Lime Facility in Virginia Settles Air Pollution Charges

O-N Minerals Co. will install a continuous emissions monitoring system to help manage sulfur dioxide emissions from its rotary kiln at a lime production facility in Strasburg.

WRF Accepting RFPs on Climate, Water Quality, Operations

Water Research Foundation is still seeking requests for proposals on drinking water research related to climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, water quality, and operational issues.

Kwame Completes Contracts on St. Louis WWTP

The building group held multiple contracts for the Metropolitan St. Louis Lower Meramec River Wastewater Treatment Plant, which replaced a lagoon treatment process.

Pipeline Firm to Pay $1.3 M to Resolve Oil Discharges in Lake

Pacific Pipeline Systems will pay for the discharge of crude oil into Pyramid Lake in 2005, according to a settlement negotiated by the Justice Department and EPA.

Fort Lauderdale Wraps Up WaterWorks 2011

CH2M HILL, in partnership with the city, is expected to complete the $690 million management initiative for Fort Lauderdale's water infrastructure one year ahead of schedule.

EPA Packages Potable Water Case Studies

Case studies highlight water system partnerships used to improve technical and financial capacity.

Guam Waterworks Failed to Complete Water Tank Assessment

EPA orders authority to pay $57,000 for failing to comply with order to improve drinking water and wastewater systems.